There is not a lot to report this month . . .
but we have been working hard behind the scenes.
The main jobs of the steering committee has been to:
- source the best price for data inputting of the information from your completed questionnaires. .
- apply for grant funding to pay for the cost of a the expert bodies to collate all of the data and put together the official neighbourhood plan document.
- approach various companies who are experienced in neighbourhood planning and got prices for the work.
We have applied for the relevant funding.
We have an initial planning meeting in the next couple of weeks with the company whom we anticipate working with to create our neighbourhood plan document.
Data inputting quotes proved to be very expensive, but we do have a local contact who is able to help with approx one third of the work for a good price.
The rest of the data inputting we (the committee) are managing ourselves, and it will all be done by the time it is needed.
It has been interesting to note some of the comments you have put in your questionnaires.
It has been an eye opener to realise the lack of awareness and incorrect perceptions that many people have of village amenities and issues.
This is not necessarily through their own fault, just a lack of public notices and communication channels in the village.
I will attempt to address this and correct some things with an informative update, once all comments have been collated.
Linda Wild