update 09 – Autumn 2017

I appreciate that from a public perspective we have been a little quiet of late. Most of the work recently has been in the hands of Troy Navigus who are compiling our actual Neighbourhood Plan document.

Because of this, our group have not had the need for any meetings over the last few months either.

You can read the minutes of all our meetings here  on our website to see our progress.

Our secretary Sandy Carruthers, particularly, is in regular communication with Troy Navigus and they have submitted several drafts documents for us to check.

If you can appreciate that none of us are experts, and the plan contains quite specific information that needs to be accurately checked and sometimes researched further.

On occasion a particular point may be missed the first time round, and there are only 5 of us on the committee, fitting this in during our limited spare time.

However the final document is now good to go for the official stages. . .

There was a Parish Council meeting (17th October) and provided the PC are happy with the document, then the clerk will submit it to Lichfield DC for the 6 week consultation period.

That should take us up to around Christmas time. So we plan to have our next meeting at that time.

Following the 6 week consultation period with Lichfield DC, the Neighbourhood Plan document has to go for an Independent Examination by the Govt.

Once all the official council and government bodies have approved the document, then you the village residents get to vote.

The final stages will be to have the document available for public view, and hold  a public meeting where the referendum vote will take place.

Provided the majority vote is in favour of the document, then it will be officially adopted.


Many older people in the village are not able to access the internet, or choose not to be on facebook so do not hear about what we are doing with these online updates.
Please share with your neighbours this information.